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                                                                This Night

A beam from the moon slides down from the sky,

Onto crystalline flakes falling softly like sighs.

They tumble and twinkle on their descent to the earth,

A winter ballet danced to a symphony of mirth.

The snow swaddles the ground and deadens the air,

And mutes city sounds in a silent prayer.

A ribbon of snow attacks a car's beaming lights,

And fractures the solemnity of this silent night.

This night mesmerizes like a fire's last embers,

Sedating the world to a mettle less tempered.

Strands of memories swirl like ripple ice cream,

And sweeten the season, as this season was deemed.

This night which sparkles with harmony and calm,

Will bear a new day with the breaking of dawn.

I wish the best of the season and a happy new year,

Graced with love and happiness, and for peace we hold dear.



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